From IBWiki
Jump to navigationJump to search- In light of a conversation I had with Juan today (10/25/17) I'd like to modify this proposal:
- My sixth (and final) CEA proposal concerns Mozambique. There is no Mozambique page. Malawi divides the country almost in half, so I propose separating the country from Rhodesia (delete: dividing the country into two nations) with the Shire (shee-ray) and Zambezi Rivers as the border (I like natural borders!).
- Arab traders established trading centers beginning in the 7th century all along the Swahili Coast. From the IB page "Muslim conquests": "During the Arab conquests of IB more of the African nations were islamised than in the real world (especially along the eastern coast of Africa), and hence the majority of Muslims in IB are blacks (e.g. nations such as Maasai or Zulu)". These trading centers, however, did not extend farther south than the Shire River.
- In the 15th and 16th centuries they were gradually replaced by the Chinese.
- Meanwhile, native peoples were establishing power centers farther inland. Bantu immigrants replaced the original Khoisan peoples during the 2nd and 1st centuries BC. These immigrants evolved into many peoples such as the Zulu, Swazi, and Tswana peoples.
- A major power was the Kingdom of Mapungubwe which was centered around the confluence of the Limpopo (which debouches into the Indian Ocean in Mozambique) and Shashe Rivers (in *here's* Botswana). Using the Limpopo River, the Kingdom was enlarged to include territory down to the Indian Ocean. In the mid-15th century the Kingdom was conquered by the Kingdom of Butua, which took over the gold and ivory trade. Butua, in turn, became part of the Rozwi Empire in 1683. The Rozwi Empire continued to strengthen its hold on the Indian Ocean Coast, advancing north to the Shire River, allowing the Chinese to retain their trading centers as an outlet for their trade in gold, ivory, and slaves. The Empire lasted until 1834, when internal strife divided the land into petty chiefdoms.
- The Chinese, then, reasserted their dominance and gained political control over the land as far as the Lebombo Mountains. The scenario of the demise of CEA in Mozambique is similar to that which took place in Malawi. However, there was not as much bloodshed since most of the Chinese, hearing of the strife in Malawi, left. With the rest of the CEA nations, independence was declared effective on January 1, 1949.
- At the time of independence a treaty was entered into with Rhodesia (delete: South Africa and Swaziland) establishing their respective borders, which are described above. (delete: match those of *here's* borders.)
- While Mozambique north of the Shire River is staunchly Muslim, (delete: the south has a different religious history. Christian missionaries from South Africa, using rivers such as the Limpopo, the Save, the Changame, and the Zambezi, spread Anglo-Catholicism throughout the western region. A side effect of this is that English has become a second language in western Mozambique.) Swahili remains the language of eastern Mozambique.
- With respect to the names of these two nations, I couldn't use Mozambique for both. So I've decided to use Mozambique for the eastern Muslim nation. From Wikipedia: "The country was named Moçambique by the Portuguese after the Island of Mozambique, derived from Mussa bin Bique..., an Arab trader who first visited the island and later lived there. The island-town was the capital of the Portuguese colony until 1898...". Since the name is of Arabic origin, predating the Portuguese, it suffices for the name of the nation. It is rendered in Swahili as Msumbiji. So the name of the nation will be Jamhuri ya Msumbiji, the Republic of Mozambique (the only republic among my CEA proposals!). The capital is Quelimane.
- (delete: The western Christian nation I will name the Kingdom of Rozwi. Swahili remains the major indigenous language of the kingdom: Ufalme wa Rozwi. The decision was made to name Beira the capital of the new nation as it is more centrally located than Maputo and accessible to the interior via the Buzi and Pungwe Rivers.)
- The borders of Msumbiji are: to the north Unguja and Tanganyika; to the east the Indian Ocean, to the south Rhodesia (delete: Rozwi); and to the west Rhodesia (delete: Rozwi), Malawi, and Lake Nyasa.
- (delete: The borders of Rozwi are: to the north, Zambia (?), Malawi, and Msumbiji; to the east the Indian Ocean; to the south South Africa; and to the west Swaziland, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia.)