IBWiki:Templates/News templates

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News templates

The "news templates" are a set of templates that take care of the formatting of pages containing individual news items and facilitate linking to Padraic's corresponding news pages.

There are six of these templates:

  • {{News}} is used for "normal" news items, i.e. containing one header.
  • {{News1}} is identical to #1, but without the line at the bottom.
  • {{News2}}, {{News3}} and {{News4}} are used for news items with multiple (two, three resp. four) headers.
  • {{News Jan}} points to Jan's news pages instead of to Padraic's.

Here are two examples of how they are used:

Name Parameters Usage Example

1 - the name of the page in question. Padraic always uses something like "news2006a.htm" for those pages. The template knows the stable parts of the link, so all you need to write is 2006a.
2 - the date of the article, which should correspond with a name tag on Padraic's page (<A NAME=20060107>, f.ex.). For "2" you write therefore 20060107.
3 - the header, which in the wiki will be displayed in boldface.
4 - the text of the article, preferably not more than a few lines only.

{{News|2006a|20060107|ILL SUL, January 
7 - Elections in Kemr
| CASTRELEON - Yesterday the toiseag 
announced new elections for the ... }}

edit ILL SUL, January 7 - Elections in Kemr

CASTRELEON - Yesterday the toiseag announced new elections for the ...   Read More...


1 and 2 - as above.
3 - the general header (date, name of the newspaper, etc.)
4 and 6 - the titles of the individual articles
5 and 7 - the text of the individual articles

{{News2|2006a|20060107|ILL SUL, January
7|Header 1|Text 1|Header 2|Text 2 }}

edit ILL SUL, January 7

Header 1
Text 1  Read More...
Header 2
Text 2   Read More...

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