File talk:Nf-ranks.png
These are the slides used by the NF Militia as rank insignias. To continue on the theme of NF as monarchist france successor state, they are inspired by those used before the French revolution.
The historical ones are Anspessade through Sergent (although on the lower arms), adjudant, enseigne & lieutenant (these last 2 without the Fleur-de-lys).
The body of the epaulettes worn by capitaine and up were all simply gold (except for the lieutenant-colonel which was silver) and difference could only be made by the type of fringe and position (either on the left, right or both shoulders).
Generals bore stars but it just look better to continue with the FdL. During the Ancient Regime, the Connetables added hands coming out of a cloud and holding swords behind their personnal COA (here becoming a badge when used behind the militia'a emblem). The rank is actualy the one taken by the Minister for Safety when in a strictly militia related context (as opposed to a political one). --Marc Pasquin 20:08, 4 June 2006 (PDT)