Sava Kosanesku

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Sava Kosanovich was born in Dalmatia in 1873. At the age of 18 he came to the North American League to work with his uncle, Nikola Tesla. While working with his uncle, Kosanovich attended University, obtaining a doctorate of physics.

In 1927, he was promoted to the position of Director of Research at Tesla-Westinghouse. Working with his uncle's designs, investigations, and notes, Kosanovich eagerly sought out the most adept in their fields. After Tesla's death, Kosanovich served as executor of his will, securing all of Tesla's personal records. The National Intelligence Office attempted to confiscate some of the records, but were rebuffed by the courts.

Kosanovich was integral in establishing the Tesla-Westinghouse operations center in Raguza, and establishing the legal agreements regarding the Tesla Generators which he had developped from Tesla's great corpus of work.

After his retirement from Tesla-Westinghouse in 1955 he served as an ambassador from the CSDS to the North American League.