Kristina I

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Kristína foncu Hapšpurk, germ. Christine von und zu Habsburg, *1947 - †2002

She entered the throne, 1969, in a hard time for monarchy. On a wave of unrest of young generation, which stroke whole Europe, demands to abolish monarchy appeared. Several huge demonstrations of mostly university students and intellectuals supported by Ti Frojsinike (The Liberals), Ta Pýrkärpartaj (The Civic Party) and Ta Socijálpartaj (The Social Party), which parties won parliamentary elections 1969, but were forced to compose minority government, thus were seriously limited. They hoped, that destabilisation will lead to new elections, change of constitution and better outcome of these for this coalition. Queen Kristína showed exceptional talent for diplomacy and politics. On her side was 33-years old young writer Vencl Hável (*1936), who was able through establishment of "non-political social movement" To Pýrkärfórum (The Civic Forum) to moderate the will and power of unsatisfied society. Although after only three years, the movement has gone and was transformed into intellectual discussion club, without it and the charisma of Vencl Hável, the situation was close to violent riots. In a series of discussions, public manifestations and other actions, she calmed down the unrest. She became so popular, that the ruling leftist alliance after five years of ruling totally failed in elections 1974.

Moreover, she was daughter of Herpärt the Traitor. She also started process of composition with the Second Great War. She, as a daughter of prince-regent Herpärt, a sad character in the history of the kingdom, initiated the new look on this particular period. Instead of bitterness and simple cut off it, she forced people to see it as a heroic time of struggle and her father to be a man, who faced the fate, regardless how terrible and regardless how ungrateful it was. The quiet submission and continuous passive resistance was said to be better than real bitter defeat in battlefield and following repressions from the side of Germans.

She abdicated in favour of her daughter Katerína in 1991 because of the cancer stroke.

Preceded by:
king Ernšt
Bohemia flag.gif
Bohemian queen
Succeeded by:
queen Katerína