Canary Islands

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Islas Canarias

CI state flag.gif

The Canary Islands are a condominium and simultaneously a part of the Kingdom of Castile and Leon as well as the Kingdom of Aragón. Note: a possible conflict in QSS here -- the article Iberian Peninsula says: "Castile and Aragon also hold the Canary Islands and Fernando Po in condominium."

Flag of Aragon Divisions of Aragon Flag of Aragon
Upper Aragon    Catalonia    Valencia    Murzia    Balear Islands    Africa    Canary Islands
Teruel | Uesca | Zaragoza    Barzelona | Girona | Lleida | Tarragona | Rosellón    Alacant | Castelló | Balenzia    Albacete | Almeria | Murzia    Mallorca | Menorca | Ibiza    Melilla | Oran | Fernando Poo | Islas Chafarinas    Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Flag of Castile i Leon   Primary Divisions of Castile and Leon   Flag of Castile i Leon
National Entities
Castilian Spain | New Kingdom of Granada | Central American Community | Canary Islands
Overseas Territories and Colonies
Castilian Polynesia | Castilian West Africa | Corregimiento de Manila | Guam
Autonomous Cities and the Sovereign Localities
Ceuta | Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera | Parsley Island (La Isla de Perejil) | Alhucemas Islands | Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera