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Anima (アニマ) is a form of animated entertainment developed in Japan. The name is derived from an abbreviation of animatson (アニマツォン), an adaptation of the Montreiano word animaçón (animation). The word anima is typically left unpluralized in English, as it is in Japanese, and can be used for both the genre and to refer to specific examples.

Anima is a broad category of entertainment, representing most of the major genres of fiction. It is influenced by manga, Japanese comics. Many anima are adaptations of manga.

Anima in its present form originated with Tezuka Osamu's Atom Boy in 1958. While there was influence from North American and Batavian comics, the style is distinctively Japanese.

Anima originated in the early 20th century, and was initially heavily influenced by Western animation. Anima titles often use loan-words from various Western languages, particularly English, but also Castilian/Montreiano, Brithenig, French (the recent establishment of ATOE has lead to a French-language fad), and others. Word-play is also not uncommon.

There are distinct styles of Anima and manga in each part of the Japanese Realm. Ezoan comics tend to be influenced by Russian comics, Liuquiuan ones resemble more like North American comics, and Corean [called Choson Manhua, to distinguish it from Chinese manhua] is distinct in its own right.

There are also a rising fad in cartoons and comics in the style of Japanese anima produced in other countries. One of the most famous is the French-language series Avatar: le dernier maître de l'air, created in Louisianne by creators Michel Dante Di Martino and Brian Joseph Konietzko. The show has risen in such prominence as to enjoy dubs in Brithenig, Spanish, English, Japanese, and Wenedyk.

Some Anima